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How to prepare for the first day of Primary School?
The first day of primary school is one of the most bittersweet days in a parent’s life. Those little ones are growing up and suddenly they are not so little anymore. The primary school years aged 6-12 seem to fly by and before you know it, they’re heading off to high school.
To set them up for success for years to come it’s important to ensure that the first day of primary school is a good one!
Preparing for school can be overwhelming, for students and parents alike, so here are some easy steps you can take together to ensure that you’re both ready for the first day of school.
1. Visit the school together
Before deciding to attend a school, we’re sure that the decision wasn’t made lightly and many visits were made! Once enrolled, it can be really helpful to take your child to the school to show them the place they will be going! Introducing them to the school will make them feel much more comfortable on their first day if they are returning to a place they’ve been before.
2. Social preparation
Speaking to other kids who have either already started school can help to relieve some of the anxiety! Hearing how much fun it is from other kids will make them feel more comfortable. If it is possible, setting up playdates with kids already at the school, or who will be starting on the same day means that they won’t feel alone when they get there! Going through specific skills that will be needed during school is also helpful. Practising things like sharing, saying please and thank you, and teaching them to play well with others are all skills they will be using every day during school.
3. Practice makes perfect
Practising some of the day to day tasks that are required in school help them to become more confident and independent.
- Putting on their uniform and shoes
- Using the bathroom
- Eating with other kids
- Identifying and labelling their belongings
Here’s a quick checklist you can use to ensure that you’ve got all the essentials covered. What should I pack for primary school?
- Drink bottle
- Healthy lunch and snacks
- Hat & Sunscreen
- Book Bag
- All items from the booklist
- A positive attitude
Ensuring that the kids are excited to go to school is important, it’ll set them up for the next 6-12 years of their life!
Just remember while it’s scary for both parent and kid, you’re not alone! There are loads of parents and kids who have been through out, so reach out ask for tips and tricks that have worked for other parents and you can do it together!
Want to know more about the first day of school? Our School Hub has information about buying and fitting school shoes, recipes for their lunchbox and everything in between.